Thursday, December 26, 2013


Sorry for the delay fans.. Was getting some 'volunteer' work out the way and bussin down them Bills Bein' Paid. Speed Demon's Entertainment is proud to say our CEO, Chris Holley DJ Spike, has landed aboard Carnival Cruise Line Liberty. Congratulations on that success and on the future endeavor to be the better man. Collaboratively, the music division is dropping another free mixtape to end off Dub Bakers' Dozen entitled Pedigree. A lot of flostyles(freestyles) from the deep, demented, compassionate minds of the team. Redd Over-Carnage and Link Q-4 will drop their EPs teamed up with me, Da B.B.C, in January in back to back weeks. Hot new tracks that will be on the radio so you can request ANY of the tracks new and old that is a song on the radio NOW. Plus we still giveaway of some of the tracks just by voting on We are all in.. Bet It Up! That is also the title of my second album coming in 2014. Stay tuned throughout the year and catch all the ways to stream our new songs and old favorites. Eclectic is our style to the end providing music that 'you can party to &/or place your feet into those shoes at one point so party hardy kid/lady(ies)/dude(s).' Like Happy New Year 2014.. Year of the En-dub-IV-r(endeavor) Hhhaaa #What_It_Is!?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fire & Brimstone: My Debut Album

         It has been done.. I have released my debut album, Fire & Brimstone!Through all the trials (literally)& tribulations I have been anointed with great wisdom and seen too much detail not to make an impact. The matters at hand with the court system has finally come to rest for now and I shouldn't of even had to go through this. When I gave my all to certain causes I got left short-changed with empty promises or faulty belief in me knowing that my word is my bond. I never take for granted any little bit of my good days and bad days but these days, I have a whole new meaning. I am strong-willed to make things right in the world within my strengths because everybody deserves a chance to life in the fast lane. Thank you friends, fans and fam for holding me down through a dark era. I will return the favor exponentially as we are all Speed Demon's supporting each other to the next goals and standpoints in life. As we shove off to the next scene, #SDE will be dropping 3 new EPs through the remainder of 2013. Do get them as we bus it dowwn into 2014 and beyond!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Go On(Happy New Year) Rough Draft

Go On(Happy New Year) Rough Draft This past 2 seasons(summer, autumn) was a doozy. I got into trouble, deceived and acclaimed. Weird... Strange maybe. I have blossomed into an underground buzz and plan to take every city by storm. The t-shirts I have are flying off the shelves, I made my EP and erected a company with a new team. A lot of progress. So as this flips the calender, stay seated for Speed Demons Entertainment!!